really… it can’t be!!

I enjoy being a simple man, this wasn’t always the case but the older I become the more freedom there is in it. No one will ever call me a great philosopher, nor will you see me on a red carpet and that’s OK. You see I believe we all have the ability to be everyday heroes regardless of our class or status if we find contentment in where God has us at the moment.

I can recall vividly a class on the New Testament, the professor was teaching through the book of Romans and we came to chapter 9 where Paul speaks of the “Potter having the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use” it almost caught me off guard. There was a feeling of pride, as if I were too good for common use “Surely I am destined to be special purpose”, that is definitely for someone other than me.

At that point I was new in my faith, very excited to “DO” and “BE” all that was my destiny, there was a lets hurry up and get there kind of attitude! I have always been surrounded by people that encourage me so there was plenty of motivation and a world to conquer. I have set and accomplished many goals, but even as a Christian there was still emptiness, still a feeling of needing to do more! After all a special piece of pottery could not be special if it wasn’t doing and accomplishing right? WRONG

I had completely missed the boat, no pun intended as a boat capt!! Let me explain. You see we are all special pieces of pottery, all created in the image of our Maker. We all have unique talents, abilities, personalities that make us who we are and that is special! We have been created and designed to “BE” a special piece of pottery! My consumption with “DO”ing overpowered the process of “BE”ing.

Please understand that we all have things that God has designed for us to do but they are not more important than who we have been created to BE!

The circumstances of our individual journey allow us to reflect the Image of God in different ways. No one other than me has my story; there hasn’t been anyone that has dealt with the events of my life. The same is true for you; there is only one you that has been through what you have.

That brings us to another stage of “BE”ing- learning to be content on where God has us. Obviously this can be misconstrued as I’m not referring to depression, addiction or anything unhealthy or harmful, surely you get the point!

Learning to slow down and be OK with where we are actually allows us the time to reflect and grow.

I took an online yoga retreat this year and learned so much about slowing down and being mindful which helped me to develop a deeper awareness of where God has me and where my journey is headed. I encourage you to check out my good friend Erika’s page, She’s amazing.

We are all on this journey called life together; we all have a part, a role, something only we can contribute. I challenge you to slow down and look at your life… where does God have you… what have you been through… where are you going… but most importantly who are you supposed to BE!?!

Scripture tells us we are to reflect the Image of our Creator, what does that look like for you? I encourage you to “BE” all that you have been created for, the “DO” will come naturally.

For me I have found freedom in being a piece of common use pottery, it has taken the pressure off always doing and allowed me to enjoy who I am supposed to BE! If you are a great philosopher or hang out on the red carpet though please say Hi!

Take care my friends, thanks for reading and remember YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

10 thoughts on “really… it can’t be!!

  1. Shayne, this is exactly what I needed to hear. Your timing is creepy! lol. This is my favorite FAVORITE blog of yours! We all have things that “God has designed for us to do but they are not more important than who we have been created to BE! ” WOW!

    1. The irony is that you have brought me motivation! Iron sharpens Iron and so we also encourage one another.. to BE! Thanks for the compliment and you my friend keep up the good work you do

  2. Just what I needed to hear (read). I am a journey to “be” based on what God has destined for me, not ppl. I have found that I have to enjoy every stage because it IS life and it isn’t slowing down.

  3. Pal, I’m so grateful to have you in my life. I’m glad I took time this morning to read your blog.
    I’ve been scratching the surface on my next steps…this spoke to me. Doing is exhausting-my list and others list for me is forever long!
    I’m ready to BE…and allow God to move my heart and soul, guide my feet to my next steps.

    Here’s to me putting my list down!
    I may also need a yoga retreat, to train on this discipline.

    Thank you! Love you!

    1. I love this response! As your friend I will encourage you 🙂 I’m excited to watch your journey as well.. and yes.. let’s do the online retreat! Praying for ya my friend!

  4. So happy we have crossed paths. God is always working. My son is fortunate to have you for a friend. Prayers always appreciated.

    1. Thank you! Whats cool is that everytime I finish writing something and read it.. it’s like YAAY JESUS lol

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